In Module 1 we saw how God revealed himself to humanity through Abraham and how, through Moses, he gave us Laws for living as he intended, together with an agreement with his early people to be their God and protect them if they obeyed his Laws
(the Old Covenant).
However, they and all of us ever since, find it impossible to keep those Laws well enough long enough and, as a result, cause a 'rift' that separates us from God, just like a naughty child is 'separated' from its parents.
In this Module 2 we explore the part of the Bible known as 'The Gospel' to see how God took the initiative and, when he decided humanity had grown mature enough, came to earth himself in the form of his Son, Jesus Christ, to put right that separation, by teaching us how to implement his Laws properly and, supremely, to reconcile us back to himself.
As he prepared for the end of his ministry here, and at his last supper with his disciples, Jesus gave us a New Covenant that if we at least try to keep God's Laws, even though we inevitably fail, he'll speak up for us.
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